SVAI Research Team MVPs

AutoNF2 Team

Led by Jyotika Varshney, DVM, PhD, used an unsupervised transfer learning approach to identify novel drug targets for NF2, also identifying miR-200a as a potential circulating marker for NF2.

  • Applying deep learning to identify potential novel therapeutic targets!

Pipeline Walk-Through

Implementation of rigorous variant filtering and target pruning, including a CRISPR/Cas9 repair design, that pipelines into drug discovery with deep learning, which includes training a DeepChem graph convolutional model, searching for optimal hyperparameters, and applying downstream experimental verification.

Pipeline Walk-Through

Modeled TCGA-RCC tumors as a “time series” across stage (Normal, I, II, III, IV) for each subtype of p1RCC: KIRC, KIRP, KICH. This team evaluated ability of a neural network to discriminate across subtype and stage, constructed stage-specific co-expression networks, and finally identified shared gene interaction communities across each tumor stage.

Pipeline Walk-Through

Identified of neo-antigens present within patent P1RCC sequence data by machine learning major histocompatibility complex affinity tool. This team implemented a very clean, sophisticated pipeline that ultimately identified 25 peptides with high MHC binding affinity.

Pipeline Walk-Through

“Nexflix For Genes”: Provided candidate biomarkers for p1RCC via a collaborative filtering using probability matrix factorization after obtaining data from COSMIC, a well-known online cancer catalogue. As an overview, this team created a Sample ID vs Gene matrix table, implemented Naive Bayes algorithm, created entity embeddings of categorical variables, and applied dimensional reduction to find candidate biomarkers for p1RCC.

Pipeline Walk-Through

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